Online Check-in

Online Check-in opens 48 hours before and closes 75 minutes before the scheduled departure time*^. For customers needing to check in baggage, please visit our designated counters at airports before the counter closing time. If you do not have any check-in baggage and have obtained your online or mobile boarding pass, you may proceed directly through Security and Immigration to the Boarding Gate.

Please be sure to arrive at the boarding gate with your travel documents by the boarding time stated on your boarding pass. Late passengers will not be accepted, and the boarding gate will close 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

* Online Check-in is available for all flights (except for flights departing from Phu Quoc, Ningbo and Sanya), between 48 hours and 75 minutes prior to departure.
^ The use of online or mobile boarding passes is governed by local regulations and may not be permissible for all destinations. If you are unable to obtain your mobile boarding pass after completing online check-in, please ensure you visit our check-in counter at least more than one hour before the scheduled departure time and present your travel documentation for verification to obtain a printed boarding pass.

A. Web check-in

Simply log on to with your flight details to use our web check-in service.

B. Mobile check-in

Checking in with our mobile app allows you to save your boarding pass directly to your device. You can easily access your mobile boarding pass anytime, anywhere. Download our mobile app now and enhance your travel experience!





Experience our one-stop, fully self-service pilot program for a hassle-free departure! Want to learn more? Click Self Check-in and Bag Drop now for more details.