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Tarmac Delay Plan

The vast majority of our flights arrive and depart on time. On the very few occasions where flights are delayed whilst passengers are on board (known as a tarmac delay) we will take all reasonable steps to ensure our passengers are handled as comfortable as possible. We will ask our passenger to carry with them in their hand baggage, where restrictions allow, any essential medication, baby food and other provisions as well as specific or individual dietary items as we are unable to provide these items and/or unable to distribute them during a tarmac delay.

Tarmac Delay contingency plan for flights departing from, or arriving into a PRC airport.

We want to give our Customers who are utilizing the services of HK Express flights at any airport within Chinese Mainland the following assurance in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Ministry of Transport article No.56 of 2016.

1. We will not permit our aircraft to remain on the tarmac at an airport in Chinese Mainland for more than three hours before allowing customers to disembark, unless:

Our pilot-in-command determines there is a safety-related or security-related reason why the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane Customers OR is not permitted by the authorities, OR Air Traffic Control at the applicable airport at the time.

2. Disembarkation of aircraft

The opportunity to disembark can only be authorised by our pilot-in-command after the scheduled departure time taking into consideration the safety and security of other Customers, the crew and the aircraft and any directions issued by air traffic control.

The disembarkation of any passenger once their bags have been loaded will result in a security search of the cabin they were originally seated and offloading of all their check-in/hold baggage. Customers wishing to disembark should be aware that they do so at their own risk. There is no guarantee they will be able to re-board once their bags have been removed. Customers will not be entitled to a refund regardless of ticket type, Customers who choose to disembark and subsequently miss their flight will not be entitled to the protections offered. Protections include; the right to rebooking or overnight accommodation, refreshments and ground transport. Full information allowing Customers to make an informed choice before making the decision to disembark the aircraft will be available from our cabin crew or airport staff.

3. Where there are delays at Chinese Mainland airports, we will provide adequate* food and drinking water no later than two hours after the aircraft leaves the gate (in the case of a departure) or touches down (in the case of an arrival) unless:

Our pilot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.


* in most cases adequate food items are considered to be snack type items such as granola/cereal bars or pretzels or biscuits

4. We will ensure operable lavatory facilities are available while the aircraft remains on the tarmac.

5. We will issue notifications regarding the status of the delay every 30 minutes while the aircraft is delayed, including the reasons and estimated time for the tarmac delay, if known.

6. We have coordinated our Tarmac Contingency Plan with the airport authorities, Peoples Republic of China Customs and Immigration and Security Department at each Chinese Mainland airport that we fly to as well as the Chinese Mainland airports we have designated as our diversion airports.

Tarmac Delay Plan for flights departing from, or arriving into a Korea airport.

a. We will not delay a flight, with passengers boarded, in the tarmac area for more than 3 hours in the case of domestic transport, nor for more than 4 hours in the case of international transport. However, this will not apply where the pilot determines that the aircraft must be kept in the tarmac area for reasons of safety or security (such as climate, government instructions, etc.), or if returning to the boarding area, or having passengers de-plane to an area other than the boarding area, may cause serious disruption to airport operations.

b. If delay in the tarmac area continues for more than 2 hours, we will provide the passengers with appropriate food, unless such services are determined to pose a danger to safety or security.

c. In case of delay in the tarmac area, we will inform the passengers of the cause of delay, and the current status, every 30 minutes. Further, we will deploy the human resources and physical resources necessary to execute the contingency plans for delay in the tarmac area.