Important Note

MyUO account has been updated, please reset password again before use.


Checked Baggage

Checked Baggage is only included in the Essential and Max fare categories. Book now to save the most! You may also choose to purchase additional baggage separately during the initial booking, through Manage My Booking, or during online check-in. See Baggage Fees page for details.


Max. overall size for each baggage

158cm / 62”

Max. weight for each baggage

(Max. weight based on purchased allowance)

Overweight baggage will be charged at HKD 120/kg, and no single bag may exceed 32kg.

Oversized baggage must be checked in as Special Baggage, adhering to size and weight limits, and an additional fee is required.

If your booking was made before 7 May 2024 or before, you can still enjoy the entitlements of your original fare category. Click here for details. For Checked Baggage allowance, subject to the Checked Baggage purchase date.

Any Carry On Baggage exceeding the maximum allowance will be denied and needs to be checked in at the check-in counter or at the boarding gate; additional fees may apply.