Important Note

MyUO account has been updated, please reset password again before use.


Customer Carbon Offset Programme Disclaimer:
  1. This service is provided by a third-party service provider Chooose AS (“Chooose”), please contact Chooose if you have any questions on its service. Hong Kong Express Airways Limited (“HKE”) is not the service provider or the agent of the service provider.

  2. All offers, products, services, content and/or other related activities provided by a third party (each a “third party offer”) are subject to these disclaimers and terms, and any additional terms imposed by the third party. These disclaimers and terms prevail if there is any inconsistency between them and any such additional terms imposed by the third party.

  3. The presence of a third party and the provision of any materials and other contributions (including any statements, claims, opinions or otherwise) by the third party in connection with the third party offer do not assert or imply, and HKE does not endorse, recommend, favour, investigate, verify or monitor any third party offer provided by a third party. Information regarding any third party offer (including its terms of use) set out on HKE’s website or app is provided by the relevant third party and is for reference only.

  4. As third party offers are provided by the relevant third parties, HKE makes no representation, warranty or undertaking in respect of, and will not accept any responsibility or liability for any third party offer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, HKE disclaims any and all liability, including any express or implied representations and warranties of any kind, whether oral or written, for third party offers, and HKE will not be liable in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or proceeding suffered or incurred by any person, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with any third party offer or advice given by the third party service provider or its agents, or the quality or availability of such offers. HKE expects that you will conduct your own assessment of each third party offer that you decide to accept, as appropriate for you.

  5. HKE reserves the right to amend these disclaimers and terms from time to time without prior notice.