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MyUO account has been updated, please reset password again before use.


FAQ (Passenger name)

How can I input my name when making a booking?

Please enter your name as it appears on your passport or travel document in English. Ensure that the name matches the document you will use for traveling. If you have entered an incorrect name, minor corrections can be made via Customer Connect. However, such corrections are restricted to a maximum of three letters due to typos only, and a name correction fee will be charged. For more information, please visit our Other Fees section.

Please put the last name in place of Surname and put the First name in place of Given name

Name on travel document:

Surname: Chan

Given name: Tai Man

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)


Tai Man

Please put the last name in place of Surname and put the First name and middle name in place of Given name

Name on travel document:

Surname: Chan

Given name: Tai Man

Middle Name: David

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)


Tai Man David

If passenger only has a Surname name, put the title (Mr/Ms/Mrs) in place of the Given name

If passenger only has a Given name, put the Given name in place of the Surname and put the title (Mr/Ms/Mrs) in place of the Given name.

Name on travel document:

Surname: TAI MAN


Given name: TAI MAN

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)



If passenger's name contains symbols like hypens (-), apostrophes (‘) or other special symbols, please remove it

Name on travel document:

O’NIEL Matthew

CHAN Tai-Man

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)




Tai Man

If passenger's surname is identified, please put it in the place of the Surname, the rest name(s) to put in the place of Given Name in sequence.

If passenger's surnane is not identified, please put the first name section in the place of the Surname, the rest name(s) to put in the place of Given Name in sequence.

Name on travel document:

Mohamad Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rahman

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)


Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rahman

Our system supports single character input, if passenger's last name contains a single letter only, please enter as it is

Name on travel document:

U Peter

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)



Either surname or given name is limited to 32 characters, if passenger's surname or given name is over 32 characters, the last component(s) of the surname/given name would be replaced by the initial letter.

Name on travel document:

Surname: Marie Jeanne Marcel Gabrielle Benoltyon

Given name: Peter

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)

Marie Jeanne Marcel Gabrielle B


*  Benoltyon is replaced by B

If passenger's given name is written in a non-English language (e.g. Chinese characters) on travel document, please enter "FNU" in the place of given name

Name on travel document:

Surname: Peterson

Given name: 大民

Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)


*  FNU means first name unknown

If the surname contains a suffix, please move it to the place of Given name

Name on travel document:

John Olsen Jr

Peterson Matthew IAN III


Name input on Booking:

Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First and Middle Name)


John Jr


Matthew IAN III


Gregorio III Gutierrez

* 3RD is replaced by III